Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why 'Debu'

The word "debu" here is come from Japanese. Debu means fat, plump, or chubby and its not nice word to say to other than your friends.

Therefore, debu papa means a chubby or an overweighed father. Lol, guess what? I was a "debu papa" until May 2007. And it’s been one year since I started my healthy diet and regular exercise.

Now I maintain my ideal weight around 69kg. Not bad for a 5 ft 8 inch person like me.

Well, I am not debu papa anymore... I started to blog my journey of weight loss and dedicated this blog to those, who are a father out there, and do not know how to do with their weight problem.

Stop making any reason for not having time to workout. I will share my weight loss tips here, we can exchange information related to weight loss and overall fitness and achieve our fitness goals.

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