Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crack My Head

The first time I started this blog was for the intention of learning something about the online marketing. I really want to know how the strategy works. Therefore, I started by created a blog and wrote articles while promoting for the affiliate program I signed up to, such as google adsense, shareresults, advaliant and so on. I putted all the banners at the side of the blog by hoping people click into the advertisements so that I can earn few extra bucks from it.

The blog had been running well for more than four months. So far the affiliate program still going on but the return is not that good. However, that is fine for me because it is part of the learning process. I have to remind myself always that earning extra money through online is not a dream but it will be time consuming. I just have to be patience. Unfortunately, recently I'm running out of ideas of writing any articles for this blog. I tried really hard and do more reading and research but still can't come out with any good articles.

Hmmm...I think I really need to try harder. Rest for a while first.

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